
Again this year we are offering flashcard study aids that cover three high yield important study areas: Operative Steps, Operative Complications, Pharmacology for the Urologist.
Be efficient and save time by rapidly covering these high yield important study areas.  We have already organized the information for you so you don’t have to.
  • Operative Steps: Know the main important steps in verbalizing every urologic operation.
  • Operative Complications: Review critical operative complications.
  • Pharmacology for the Urologist: Be an expert in the clinical pharmacology of the medications urologists use….and don’t use but may still be on the boards.
Over 200 flashcards in all.

The cards will ship in late 2024. To purchase, provide payment and mailing address on the registration form.  Other questions can be addressed at info@UrologyOralBoardPrep.com

There will be plenty of time to review this high yield information.

These are available for purchase at $300.