Format of the Cases

The format will mimic the actual American Board of Urology (ABU) oral board exam. The real ABU exam will test you on 2 cases per 50-minute virtual session.   Our course candidates will similarly be scheduled for two mock virtual encounters which will last a total of approximately 90 minutes.  Each session will cover 2-3 cases in the initial 50 minutes followed by 30-40 minutes of feedback and dialogue.  We will discuss how to prepare for the OSCE portion of the Certifying Exam.


True to our concierge style, we plan to schedule sessions with candidates based on what works best for you and your examiner. That means throughout the months of December through March we will work with you to determine the exact time of each of your two 90 minute session.  This approach will allow you to maximize your learning while juggling your responsibilities at work and home.  The weeks leading up to the actual ABU exam will include free extra help sessions offered to those identified as in need.  We will work through email/text to finalize scheduling.


Responding to your feedback and requests for more preparation material, we again offer “flashcards”. Click here to read more about this crucial adjunct to your studying.  They will be prepped and mailed beginning at the end of the year.